Thursday, May 15, 2008

Prototypes rule

I love prototypes. There is no easier way to find out what you don't know about something until you start trying to craft an example of it. It seems that Tim Sanders thinks so to. He also gives some good pointers on how to respond to prototypes and how to offer that response.



Shawna said...

I agree that prototypes can be a valuable tool. I think we're doing some good things in this regard by getting to design concepts sooner in the process than we've ever done before. That said, we've got to manage that well as some could iterate forever if given the opportunity. Plus, it's easy to go granular once you see something that's more tangible than narrative text. Seems that moving fairly quickly from a concept (prototype) into a spec helps resolve some of the pitfalls.

c.w. goad said...

I agree. Only action gets a reaction. Talk just begets more talk. Good points.